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En quoi notre équipe JO MALONE LONDON peut-elle vous aider aujourd’hui ?
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Bring In The Weekend With A Little Luxury.
Shop online or in store today and spend £70* to redeem a Jo Malone London Miniature Candle to scent your space in style. The perfect little companion for big weekend plans!
Simply enter code AUGUSTGIFT at checkout to redeem.
*La promotion prendra fin le 01/09/20 à minuit, dans la limite des stocks disponibles. Spend requirement excludes purchase of gift and e-gift cards and charity candles. Only one gift available with each order worth £70 or more. Please note that if you wish to return the purchased part of your order, this will only be processed it the complimentary gift has also been returned. Cette offre n’est pas cumulable à d’autres promotions.