Customer Service

Contact Us

By Chat:
Chat with us if you need immediate assistance to:
  • Check the status of an order or return
  • Change or cancel your order
  • Reset your password or access your account
  • Contact: +3228085099

    By Whatsapp:
    Contact us via WhatsApp if you have any questions about:
  • Your delivered order
  • How to return a product
  • Loyalty programs
  • Contact: +3228085099

    By Phone:
    Call Us if you need help with:
  • Applying a promotional code
  • Finalizing your order
  • Beauty Advice
  • Product Recommendation
  • Contact: +3228085099

    Chat Live With A Stylist:

    The live-chat is available from Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm.
    The live chat will not be available from 18th July to 28th August for summer vacation. Please use the Whatsapp number for any query on products, offers or orders.